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IFIP - Rinnovo Consiglio Direttivo 2019
IFIP - Rinnovo Consiglio Direttivo 2019

La International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP), l’organizzazione federativa che raggruppa le società nazionali operanti nell'area dell’IT, tra cui AICA, si prepara al rinnovo del suo Consiglio Direttivo: sono aperte le candidature, secondo le indicazioni descritte di seguito.
Durante il GA meeting a Kiev, in Ucraina, avranno luogo le elezioni delle seguenti posizioni aperte:
1.    Two IFIP Vice Presidents:
a)    Max Bramer ends his second term and is NOT eligible for election
b)    Gabriela Marin-Raventos ends her first term and is eligible to be elected for a second term
2.    One IFIP Honorary Treasurer:

The Honorary Treasurer has to be elected one year in advance. That means the term of the Honorary Treasurer ends in 2020, but the election has to be in 2019.
Declan Brady ends his second term and is therefore NOT eligible for a next term
3.    Two IFIP Councillors (nominated by GA):
a)    Jee-In Kim ends his first term and is eligible for a second term
b)    Franz Rammig ends his second term and is therefore NOT eligible for a next term
4.    ONE IFIP Councillor (nominated by Technical Assembly):
Michael Goedicke ends his second term and is therefore NOT eligible for a next term
5.    ONE IFIP Councillor (nominated by Member Societies):
Maria Raffai : Her society left IFIP, therefor she is not eligible to be elected
6.    ONE IFIP Councillor (nominated by IP3):

Anthony Wong ends his second term and is therefore NOT eligible for a next term
The Nomination Committee invites ALL GA members to propose candidates for posts 1 – 3.
The Nomination Committee invites the members of Technical Assembly ONLY to propose candidates for post 4.
The Nomination Committee invites GA members of Member Societies ONLY to propose candidates for post 5.
The Nomination Committee invites IP3 ONLY to propose candidates for post 6.
Your proposal should be supported by four Full or Ex-officio Members of GA.
Please be reminded  that according the Statutes & Bylaws no nominations from the floor will be accepted, except if there are fewer nominations in any category than there are vacancies or for 'unexpected vacancies'
The Nomination Committee would kindly ask you to send your proposals to
by September 1, 2019.
A proposal should contain:
** Name of the candidate and her/his e-mail address;
** Names of four GA members supporting the candidate. Supporters are asked to send their supporting email in addition to the proposer.